
Antonio Vilches earned a B.S. in Computer Engineering in 2010 and a M.S. in Computer Sciences in 2012, both from the University of Malaga. In June 2010 he holds a M.S. Degree in Education from the University of Malaga as well. After finishing his Masters he started to work as Researcher in the same University thank to a scholarship given by AndaluciaTech . Then he moved to Industry and worked in a project of high demand web services, he was responsible to keep working a web service which served millions of transactions. After that year he decided to go further in his research career and he went back to the University of Malaga, where he started his Ph.D. on parallel patterns for Heterogeneous Systems, and energy-efficient computing under the supervision of Prof. M. Angeles Navarro and Prof. Francisco J. Corbera.

Antonio Vilches has certain experience related to computer architecture. He studied on computer technology, organization and architecture, multiprocessors, distributed architectures, concurrent programming, compilers, vector and parallel computing. For his B.S. thesis he was working with multiprocessors developing irregular benchmarks as BarnesHut with TBB and OpenMP libraries and studying the scalability while comparing performance with previous pthread versions. Later on, he worked in an heterogeneous solution for his M.S. thesis, he developed an scheduler to orchestrate work between CPUs and GPUs, he was studying several ways of work sharing among devices based on a work stealing technique.

At the moment Antonio Vilches is researching on the efficient execution of Big Data Analytics across a cluster of heterogeneous nodes comprised of CPUs plus accelerators like GPUs or FPGAs. He is developing mechanisms to distribute the workloadS across the available hardware resources, moreover he is also considering energy consumption as an optimization criteria in order to reduce energy consumption.